Dubai. Scaffolders at Gate building

Dubai. Scaffolders working on support for seating at a major event behind The Gate building at Dubai?s Financial Centre/center.
Filename: BOW4510.JPG
Copyright Bowater/
Size: 5418x3243 / 6.6MB>
Copyright Bowater/
Size: 5418x3243 / 6.6MB>
BOW4510, Dubai. UAE, United Arab Emirates, Middle East, Arab, Arabian, Gulf, Persian Gulf, scaffold, scaffolders, scaffolding, temporary, access, support, The Gate, financial district, financial centre, financial center, men, man, workers, team, teamwork, even, worker, construction workers, immigration, guest workers, laborers, labourers, artisans, labour, labor, Asians, employees, contract work, employment, hard hats, safety gear, protective clothing, harnesses, safety, security, dangerous, co-ordination, group, gang, horizontal, steelwork, organised, organized, organisation, organization